Business Succession Planning


Aimed at human resources professionals and executive leadership, Business Succession Planning will help prepare for the ongoing viability of their business operations. This courseware will assist participants with determining key members of their organization, who is in a position to provide mentorship, strengths that the company currently possesses, and how to recover when employees choose to pursue new opportunities.

At the end of this training course, participants will be able to: apply their understanding of the value of succession planning for successful businesses; work directly with the key elements of a succession plan; identify resources and analyze risks; create and discuss a succession plan, and then evaluate and review it; and discuss the elements of a succession plan in terms of roles, responsibility, function, scope, and evaluation.

The Course Content

Session One: Course Overview

Session Two: A Need for Succession Planning

Session Three: Defining a Succession Plan

Strong Leaders and a Strong Organization

Components of the Plan

Setting the Scope

Session Four: Pre-Assignment Review

Session Five: Identifying Resources and Analyzing Risks

Identifying Resources

Risk Assessment

Session Six: Defining Roles, Responsibilities, and Functions

Individualized Engagement Plans

Working the Plan

Session Seven: Gathering Information

Session Eight: Forecasting Needs

Key Ingredients of a Successful Plan

Coaching and Mentoring

Session Nine: Putting the Plan Together

Using Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

How to Choose the Leader

Session Ten: Putting the Plan into Action

Phased Implementation


Session Eleven: Evaluating and Reviewing the Plan

Evaluation Challenges

Sample Evaluation

Check Out the Checklist

Session Twelve: Your Action Plan

Plan and Then Do

Next Steps

Recommended Reading List

Post-Course Assessment

Pre- and Post-Assessment Answer Keys

Personal Action Plan.