Succession Planning and Career Management in the 21st Century Institution


The 4 R's -

    1. Right people
    2. Right place
    3. Right time
    4. Return to stakeholders


Only 10-20% of organizations have a succession process or plan in place. 94% of organizations have not adequately prepared leaders to step into critical positions. Organisations not using a succession plan do not have a competitive advantage.


Delegates will learn how to design and implement an effective Succession and Talent Program which will ensure High Potentials can be identified.


This Workshop provides examples of the importance of workforce and succession planning in the public sector. A discussion of why planning is important and some of the obstacles to its implementation are to be discussed.


This course will provide you with just what it takes to have the right people ready. It will help you to create a programme that enables you to understand the whole Talent Management Process and Concept, it will help you to create methodologies to measure talent, and decide how to help people grow and prepare for their own futures while supporting and growing the organization by applying the most current research in Talent Management for our ever-changing marketplaces.


Great Questions:

  • What is your return on investment for implementing these programs?
  • Do you know who your high potential employees are?
  • Have you got an effective Succession & Talent Program in place?
  • Who are the successors to critical business roles in your organisation?
  • Are your talent metrics at best practice levels?
  • What are the best organisations doing in Talent & Succession?
  • Do you have 'buy in' from key managers to implement this program
  • How effective is your development planning for key employees?
  • Do you know how to identify your high potentials?
  • What is your competitive advantage from implementing a succession program?



At the conclusion of this program participants will possess the skills to:

  • Understand what the best companies are doing.
  • Utilise effective talent metrics.
  • Calculate a return on investment.
  • Reduce high potential leakage.
  • Benchmark your organisation.
  • Identify High Potentials, Successors & Business Critical roles.
  • Get buy in from key managers.
  • Break down "I am indispensable" perceptions.
  • Create seamless information flows.



The programme is designed for designated Members of staff and Top Management Staff.



  • Succession planning and application in the Public Service
  • Workforce planning and Strategies with BSC
  • Coaching and Talent management with G.R.O.W. Model
  • Performance management and Governance
  • Career planning processes with KRA
  • Learning and development plans