Effective Leadership Capability and Team Building Workshop


This is a very special leadership workshop. Drawn from the very best of Hero’s  Faculty’s experience, research and expertise, this workshop challenges participants to abandon their outdated ideas on leadership and team building and learn potent new innovative practices that they can immediately use to inspire their teams and organizations to dramatically higher levels of performance. This is new leadership for a new day!



The day of the highly-structured organization with a clear strategic plan, a stable market and an unconditionally loyal workforce is over. Recognizing this, today’s most enlightened organisations have stopped looking back at antiquated leadership models, choosing instead to focus on creating a new breed of independent, dynamic and agile leaders at every managerial and supervisory level. This three-day, intense personal development experience, which is delivered by Hero  Master Facilitators, has been designed to equip leaders to step up to the many enormous opportunities that the future holds.

The Four Key Practices of Leadership

The Innovative! workshop is designed to help you make a significant shift in your effectiveness as a leader and will equip you with immediately usable approaches and skills in four key leadership practices.

1. Intensifying passions & purpose

• “How can I ignite and unite passion and purpose for my organization, my team, me and those we seek to serve?”

2. Deepening connections & conversations

• “How can I expand and strengthen my personal community?”

3. Multiplying contribution & development

• “How can I help others dramatically increase their performance and growth?”

4. Accelerating change & innovation

• “How can I create an environment in which we live continually ahead of the curve?” Innovation! ...become the leader of the future, today!

During the workshop, through a series of unique, fast-paced, highly engaging and feedback-rich experiences, workshop participants will be challenged to look at their Leadership Roadmap – past, present and future. What has contributed to their success? What are some of the roadblocks that they have faced? What will be required of leaders in the future? What do they need to do now to be better equipped to successfully lead in an increasingly complex, diverse and rapidly changing world?

Participants will leave the workshop not only with a blueprint of their unique leadership roadmap, but with practical tools to help them on their journey, including The Leadership Toolkit, a set of hands-on and immediately usable leadership tools.



•          Impact and Influence: Leading in Ever-Changing Organizations

•          Team Leadership- Leading Innovation: Helping Others innovates!

•          The Leader of The Future

•          Leader as Teacher/Mentor/Coach

•          Team building for result- Change that Sticks

•          Building Partnerships and Making Connections

•          BreakOut! My Leadership Future:Peer Coaching

•          A Passion to Lead-Reflections & Action Planning

•          My Leadership Roadmap: Commitments and Action Planning



All HoD’s within the organization