Insurance Financial Statements

The overall goal of this insurance financial statements course is designed to provide a basic technical background to the insurance industry as a precursor to attending our intermediate Insurance Company Analysis workshop. Participants will learn to understand the key components of an insurance company’s financial statements and to learn to use key ratios to analyze financial strength relative to rating benchmarks.


Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Distinguish the risks inherent in the main products offered by life, non-life (P&C) and reinsurance companies and recognize how these are reflected in the financial statements
  • Understand the key components of an insurance company’s income statement and balance sheet
  • Calculate and apply some basic ratios to quantify an insurance company’s financial strength, performance and risk profile? relative to Fitch Ratings financial ratio benchmarks




Insurance Market Overview

Understand the characteristics of the various lines of business and insurance products and their inherent risks.

Types of insurance company

  • Life, non-life and reinsurance
  • Types of insurance entity: Mutual vs. proprietary, multi-line vs. monoline, underwriters vs. brokers, captive insurers
  • Key activities and products
  • Non-life products: Short tail and long tail lines; degrees of riskiness
  • Life and investment products: Whole life, annuity, endowment, term insurance and health products
  • Investment bases for life products: Fixed (stable value), unit-linked (variable), with profits, interest-sensitive
  • Reinsurance products: Proportional vs. non-proportional, excess of loss and catastrophe covers


Statement Logic

Understand the key financial items in insurance company financial statements and how the business model is reflected in the balance sheet.

  • Relating the business to the balance sheet and income statement
  • Key items of the balance sheet and income statement for life and non-life insurers
  • Premium accounting: gross vs. net, written vs. earned
  • Claim/loss accounting (non-life): Claims incurred vs. paid, claims incurred but not reported (IBNR)
  • Claim/benefit accounting (life): Benefits and surrenders, annual and final bonuses
  • Technical provisions: Loss provisions, unearned premium provisions, mathematical provisions
  • Investment reserves – capital or liability? Fund for Future Appropriations, RfB, Unallocated Divisible Surplus, Discretionary Participation Features (DPF)
  • Intangible and other assets: Deferred acquisition costs, value of business acquired
  • Impact of reinsurance on assets, liabilities, premiums and claims
  • Calendar year, accident year and underwriting year reporting for non-life; loss development triangles


Ratio Analysis

Introduction to the basic analysis of insurance companies using some key ratios from the financial statements.

  • Key performance indicators for life, non-life and reinsurance companies, with benchmarks
  • Underwriting risk: Claims/loss ratio, expense and combined ratio and other basic indicators of underwriting performance, loss provision adequacy and reinsurance risk
  • Investment risk: Market and credit risk
  • Measuring life new business growth and new business profitability
  • Measures of overall profitability for life and non-life insurers
  • Capital adequacy: Types of capital and ratios used to measure financial leverage (gearing) and solvency




  • Equity, fixed income and credit analysts
  • Insurance company treasury officers and staff
  • Insurance brokers and security analysts
  • Investment managers
  • Commercial and investment bankers
  • Bank risk, portfolio and relationship managers
  • Supervisors
  • Lawyers
  • Insurance company public relations
  • Corporate communications officers